How big is Wheel Pad?
The Norwich Model (our standard model) exterior dimensions are 26’ long by 8’ 6” wide per Federal Highway limits, including an approximately 30’’ deep utility room which may vary to accommodate improved technology. The overall square footage is just over 220 square feet, which is comparable to a hotel room or a one-car garage. The Norwich Model has a shed roof, comes on wheels, meets Federal Highway limits for weight, and can be pulled by a heavy-duty pick-up truck.
How much room is needed to install Wheel Pad?
Approximately 30’ by 12‘ feet of flat land, next to a house where the Wheel Pad will be placed. This includes a 4’ x 6’ temporary connection to the existing home and a pathway wide enough to access the Wheel Pad placement location.
What are the zoning regulations regarding Wheel Pad?
Because it is on a mobile frame, Wheel Pad qualifies as an RV. In some cases, off-highway parking laws may state that living in an RV on your property is illegal, however, this information varies from city to city. Wheel Pad will be happy to assist our customers in obtaining any interim use permits or other qualifications needed to use our service.
Connecticut Customers: This year Senator Osten was successful in passing Senate Bill 922, An Act Concerning Temporary Health Care Structures legislation allows municipalities to issue permits for the installation of temporary health care structures on lots zoned for single-family residential dwellings. Click here for a summary providing more details.
How do Life Safety building code regulations apply?
Wheel Pad is connected to a public room, such as a living or dining room. Our code consultant can address any concerns with local authorities.
What about water and electricity?
Wheel Pad is powered by a 50 amp power source originating directly from the primary residence. As part of the placement process, our electrician installs an exterior 50 amp outlet, prior to installation. This approach allows higher energy pull to keep the unit warm during harsh winters. A solar PV panel option hook-up is available through customization.
How does plumbing work?
Wheel Pad is equipped with an internal 90-gallon septic tank, serviceable by a waste management partner on a predetermined schedule (approximately every 8 weeks). A longer-term solution may be arranged with the host house depending upon regulatory and physical piping conditions at the host home. As being green and sustainable is part of the Wheel Pad mission, a greywater filter enables occupants to safely disperse filtered shower and sink water for use as irrigation. Our standard offering includes an ultra-low flush, .86 gallons toilet if the pipes in the house are in good condition. A composting toilet option requires a slightly larger Wheel Pad utility module and is available through customization.
Does Wheel Pad leave a permanent footprint?
Wheel Pad is not a permanent attachment, so any footprint left behind is completely repairable. Owners have the option of making the connection an attractive part of the landscape. When Wheel Pad is removed, the outdoor deck could be extended back to the house to create a patio and ramp that can serve the house in the future.